What is the oil spill? According to the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, they say that oil spills are classified into five categories: very light oils, light oils, medium oils, heavy oils and very oils. Those oils which don’t dissolve in water cause a lot of problems for marine environments, such as killing sea dwellers, damaging habitats or thwarting plants development. There are four main method to prevent long-term damage to environments from oil spills: booms, skimmers, chemicals and burning. Although human beings use oils necessary in everyday lives, we must make sure to use it and ensure what happens to next at the same time.
What are some major cause of oil spills? Mostly oil tanker ships spill oil. It causes concerns with adverse impacts on marine ecosystem or threats to the livelihood and well-being of people using seafood. http://libproxy.pcc.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=91674348&site=ehost-live
How did it harm to marine environments? The consequences of oil spills cause a lo tot of chemical and toxic effects, such as benzine or carcinogens on marine environments. Refining those oils in ocean tends to be more toxic to organism because of containing chemicals, and less oils persisted in the water keep damaging in the water and impact on wildlife, such seabirds, whales, dolphin, sea turtles, and so on. http://www.amsa.gov.au/environment/maritime-environmental-emergencies/national-plan/general-information/oiled-wildlife/marine-life/index.asp
How was clean up the oil spill ocean? There are five innovation solutions for oil spills which clean up without destroying the surrounding environments. They are to contain the oil with giant underwater dome, to sop with the oil with mushrooms and hair, to utilize bacteria to eat up the oil. to soak up the oil with hyper absorbent peat moss, and to make oil-absorbing mats out of pet hair and pantyhose. http://inhabitat.com/top-5-green-ways-to-clean-up-oil-spills/
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